Sunday, May 13, 2007


Welcome, all!

This is the inaugural post of Happy Cycling, an mp3 blog dedicated to spread of quality music run by myself (Jonathan Sidney) and my good buddy Jono Rosenthal.

A full profile will be posted later; however, today I'd like to start you off with a couple tunes that I've been digging lately.

1. The Bad Plus-Life on Mars (

I saw this jazz/rock/experimental trio for the fourth time Friday night, at Yoshi's, and they seem to get better every time. Their version of the David Bowie classic was described to me by a good friend as "literally sex". While some might disagree with that claim, I guess you can judge for yourself...

2. Anathallo-Hanasakajijii (four: a great wind, more ash) (

I recently became familiar with this Chicago folk/indie collective, watching their set on the Coachella webcast as I mourned the fact that I was indeed missing 2007. While not going to Coachella was clearly a big disappointment, discovering Anathallo was a small consolation. I was immediately impressed with their performance and downloaded several songs of theirs. Somewhat reminiscent of Why?, I think all lovers of good music can get into Anathallo.

Until next time,



Matt Zeitlin said...

I love David Bowie man, and the covers of him are just very novel formats. I don't know if this quit matches Seu Jorge's delightful work w/ Bowie songs on the zissou soundtrack, but it worked for the bad plus. It's not everyday you find an mp3 blog that starts inauspiciously but posts some great shit i woudln't hear otherwise. I really appreciate it guys, keep it up

Anonymous said...

what, no tips for managing pms?